online Trainings
Here you will find documents with which you can design a 13-hour training course for each module. Each online module includes
- a seminar design - giving a compact overview of the temporal structure of the training and the methods used
- a PPT presentation - containing all theoretical inputs as well as concrete tasks for the participants.
An overview of all methods used in our online trainings can be found here.
- CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT online seminar design.pdf
- CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT presentation.pptx
- PERFORMANCE MONITORING online seminar design.pdf
- PERFORMANCE MONITORING presentation.pptx
- TEACHING-LEARNINGSTRATEGIES online seminar design.pdf
- LEADERSHIP online seminar design.pdf
- LEADERSHIP presentation.pptx
- DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT online seminar design.pdf
- DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT presentation.pptx
- SCHOOL CULTURE online seminar design.pdf
- SCHOOL CULTURE presentation.pptx